
Family Volley Photo Challenge-Week 10-"What I Ate"

I have eaten this exact same salad for the last 7 days. I am consistent like that. 

A few weeks ago I realized that it had been a long time since I had eaten lunch. Sure, I put food in my mouth, but I was always standing and it was an after thought in between caring for little mouths. I decided I needed to take a few minutes each day to actually sit down and eat.

Back in college I created this salad. 

Turkey (Shaved)
Catalina Salad Dressing

I loved it. I would eat it every day. I think I am a creature of habit. 

Last week when I committed to doing a better job with lunch, I knew exactly what I was going to eat. 

It has made a huge difference in my day. Instead of standing behind the counter while our daughter eats, I make this salad, and sit down right next to her. We laugh and talk and sing. Lately we have talked a lot about when she gets to start school, and about the upcoming summer swim season. 

Lunch is now one of my favorite times of day.  
Consider yourself warned. It is addicting. 
Do you eat lunch, sitting down or stand up?
What did you eat this week?

Next Week's Challenge (March 14) - "Favorite Color"


  1. I get on food jags like that as well. Lunch is my favorite meal because it is just for me. No one else is usually around then. Yesterday I had leftovers from the Japanese restaurant we went to for my son's birthday. Lots of times it is leftovers. Today it probably will be a "california burger."

  2. Fun! I am predictably consistent with my meals. I will upload my picture now so you can see. I am usually home alone these days for lunch. I always eat sitting down and love to have hot meals at lunch when I can. Salads are a great standby for me as well.

  3. I am a huge fan of shaved turkey. I can't eat it any other way. Never thought of adding Catalina dressing. I'm usually a balsamic kind of girl! But I'll try it.


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