
How to Really Love a Child- A Poem

How to Really Love a Child

Be there.
Say yes as often as possible.
Let them bang on pots and pans.
If they’re crabby, put them in water.
If they’re unlovable, love yourself.
Realize how important it is to be a child.
Go to a movie theater in your pajamas.
Read books out loud with joy.
Invent pleasures together.
Remember how really small they are.
Giggle a lot.
Surprise them.
Say no when necessary.
Teach feelings.
Heal your own inner child.
Learn about parenting.
Hug trees together.
Make loving safe.
Bake a cake and eat it with no hands.
Go find elephants and kiss them.
Plan to build a rocket ship.
Imagine yourself magic.
Make lots of forts with blankets.
Let your angel fly.
Reveal your own dreams.
Search out the positive.
Keep the gleam in your eye.
Encourage silly.
Plant licorice in your garden.
Open up.
Stop yelling.
Express your love.
A lot.
Speak kindly.
Paint their tennis shoes.
Handle with caring.

What do you think, is the poem forgetting anything?
I recently found this on


  1. i LOVE this list! soo cute! it makes me take a step back and realize that sometimes it's ok to chill out and not stress, but let the good times roll:) thanks!

  2. My best show of love for my children was filing for divorce from their father

    Our life changed drastically and became much better after that. And now I know that in no case should you save a marriage for the sake of children.


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