
To Courtney: Love, Lucy

My dear sweet older sister Courtney,
  I love you so much that I can't even begin to express myself, I am definitely no cjane with writing. I am proud to be your sister, you are so talented and a lot of fun to be around. That explains why I am at your house everyday. I could write all the many reasons why I love you, but what I admire the most about you is the kind of mother you are. You are so patient with the Chief and you LOVE him so much. You love to hold him and kiss him, I love how you laugh at little things he does that I think most moms wouldn't even notice. You take time with him and stay home to be his mom. I know Heavenly Father is so pleased with you and that is why you are having another one. (lets hope it's a girl) Courtney I love you so much I hope we continue to raise our children together and learn from eachother. You are a huge part of my life and I couldn't be more blessed to have you as an older sister.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Luca. I love you too. You are the loving mother, I just pick it all up from you.


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